Observations from an Alpharetta Professional Photographer
Are you the default family photographer in your family? For me, a professional photographer, of course it makes sense that I’m the one snapping all the family photos in my house, but as I scroll through my Instagram and Facebook feeds, I can’t help but notice that the same appears to be true for most of my mom friends. They are the ones taking all the photos in their homes. Why else would they be missing from the family photos? I see daily photos of their smiling children, and their husbands make pretty regular appearances too, but it’s a rare occasion that moms make it into the photos. And I can’t help but wonder, why is that?

Now, obviously, moms of littles are often the only adult around to take the photos, so of course there are more photos of the kids than there are of the kids plus mom. But I suspect that even when dad is around, it’s still mom who ends up playing family photographer.
If I were to guess, I’d say it’s because moms tend to be more sentimental than dads. They often have a heightened awareness of the fleeting nature of these precious moments – both the mundane and the momentous. They’re more likely to pause and think, “I want to remember this!” So, they’re the first one to reach for the camera or phone. Now, don’t get me wrong I’ve met some pretty sentimental dads out there and those whom love to photograph their family as well, but more often than not, the job of family photographer falls to mom.

And I also suspect, that some moms are missing from family photos because they don’t like to be photographed. Or they don’t like the way they look in photographs.
“I look terrible.”
“My hair is a mess.”
“I don’t have on any makeup.”
“I look fat.”
Be honest. Have you uttered any of these phrases when asked to pose for a photo? (Or when reviewing – and deleting – said photo?) We all have. And that’s okay, but when it’s the only thing you say – and when it prevents you from appearing in any of your family’s photos – that’s when it becomes a problem.
But c’mon, do you think your kids even notice what your hair looks like? Do they care if you don’t have on makeup? Guess what – that’s how they see you all the time! And like it or not, that’s how you’ll look in their memories of you. And you know what? They don’t think your hair is a mess or that you look bad without makeup. You just look like their mom – the incredible woman who kisses their boo boos and reads bedtime stories and pushes them on the swing and makes pancakes and helps with homework and offers endless hugs and kisses and snuggles to make them feel loved. That’s who they’ll want to see in their photos when they look back one day. They’ll just want to see their mom. Make up or no make up. Greasy hair, dark roots, and all.
Now, that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t strive for some family photos in which you’re wearing stylish clothes, hair is freshly colored, and makeup precisely applied. (And a professional photographer can work wonders with lighting and a little editing!) Obviously, I think it’s important to have professional family photos taken once in awhile to capture your family at its finest. But don’t let professional family photos be the only family photos you’re in.

So, who cares if you don’t look picture perfect? Give the camera to your husband and say “Here – I want to be in this one.”
One day, you’ll be glad you did. And more importantly, so will your kids.
About the Alpharetta Professional Photographer
Jennifer McCarren of Freckled Flower Photography specializes in newborn, child photography and family photography in North Atlanta, Georgia locations such as Alpharetta, Milton, Roswell, Dunwoody, Sandy Springs, Marietta and Canton.
Freckled Flower Photography is a proud member of Professional Photographers of America.
Freckled Flower Photography has been featured more than once on Beyond the Wanderlust, Mozi Magazine, Inspire- Digital or Not Fine Art Photography Magazine, Photo Artistry, Pretty Forum and many others. I’ve also been published in CHIC Critique Magazine: The Vintage Issue, Young Kids Fashion Magazine and Petite Magnifique Magazine.
Contact me here to request more information about an Atlanta photography session, or you can follow me on Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest, where I announce special offers and share my favorite images from recent photo sessions. I’d love to send you my newsletter as well – scroll up to enter your email address on the left.