Atlanta Family Photographer
I consider myself an Atlanta Family Photographer even though I reside OTP. Lucky for me, I have easy access to the city, so I’m usually happy to shoot family or child photo sessions in Atlanta. From Piedmont Park to the Atlanta Botanical Center to Centennial Olympic Park, there is no shortage of great photography locations in Atlanta.
Family photo session in Atlanta’s Piedmont Park.

Photo Sessions With a Top Atlanta Family Photographer
If you’re looking for a North Atlanta photographer to capture precious moments of your child or family in the city you love, I’m up to the task. In addition to the usual Atlanta hotspots, I can suggest some lesser known but still amazing locations for family photo sessions in Atlanta. View the images below for examples of my work as an Atlanta family photographer.
Atlanta child photographer discovers a fairy at Atlanta Botanical Gardens.

Styled child photography session at the Atlanta Botanical Gardens.

Sweet child and family photography at the Atlanta Botanical Gardens

View other North Atlanta Photography locations:
Alpharetta Photographer
Canton Photographer
Milton Photographer
Roswell Photographer
Woodstock Photographer
To view more of my child and family portraits, please follow me on Facebook and Instagram, where I announce special offers on professional photography and share my favorite images from recent photo sessions. Want to stay in touch? Sign-up for the newsletter below!